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The Assumption Of The Virgin With Saints Anne And Nicholas Of Myra by 
																	Giovan Battista Lenardi

Giovan Battista Lenardi

( Italian, 1656 - 1704 )

The Assumption Of The Virgin With Saints Anne And Nicholas Of Myra




oil on canvas


100.75 in. (255.90 cm.) (height) by 66.50 in. (168.90 cm.) (width)


A. Nibby and M. Vasi, Itinerario di Roma e delle sue vicinanze, Rome 1853;; G. Zandri, San Giuseppe dei Falegnami, Rome 1971, pp. 58-60, 87, notes 124-125;; N. Pio, Le Vite di pittori, scultori et architetti, C. and R. Engass, eds., Vatican City 1977, pp. 89-90, 252;; Apollo, vol. CVIII, December 1978, reproduced on the cover (as Domenichino);; R. Spear, Domenichino, New Haven and London 1982, p. 317 (under Doubtful and Wrongly Attributed Paintings, as circle of Pietro da Cortona or Lazzaro Baldi);; J. Pope-Hennessy, Times Literary Supplement, 25 March 1983, p. 305 (as Domenichino);; J. Pope-Hennessy, Notable Acquisitions. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York 1984-1985 (as Domenichino);; F. Titi, Studio di pittura, scoltura et architettura, nelle chiese di Roma 1674-1763, B. Contardi and S. Romano, curs., Florence 1987, p. 112, C513, E715, F1057 (original edition 1686 and also in the editions of 1721 and 1763 as "un altro Quadro che figura l'Assunta di Maria Vergine con un Santo Greco da un lato, lavoro di Gio: Battista allievo di Lazzaro Baldi [another painting that depicts the Ascension of the Virgin Mary with a Greek Saint by her side, a work by Gio: Battista a pupil of Lazzaro Baldi]);; G. Bolaffi, ed., Dizionario Enciclopedico dei Pittori e degli Incisori Italiani dall' XI al XX secolo, Torino 1990, vol. VI, p. 390.


Commissioned from the artist for the church of San Giuseppe dei Falegnami, Rome, and installed in the left chapel in 1690; Acquired in 1978 by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wrightsman, New York; By whom donated to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1984 (as Domenichino); By whom deaccessioned and sold, New York, Sotheby's (Property of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York), 29 May 2003, lot 55 (as Lenardi); Where acquired by the present owner.



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